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Onset 10GR

Onset 10GR

Regular price $69.30 AUD
Regular price Sale price $69.30 AUD
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Onset 10GR is a granular pre-emergent herbicide offering up to 6-month weed germination protection from a broad range of grass weeds including Crabgrass & Summergrass, Parramatta Grass, Crowsfoot, Paspalum and Wintergrass. 5kg of Onset can treat up to 250sqm. 

Onset 10GR Herbicide is coated on a 200SGN (2mm) dust free, silica granule. The granule contains 26% Plant Available Silicon along with trace elements and Calcium and Magnesium. Silicon has proven links in abiotic stress management, nutrient uptake improvement and cell wall conditioning, as well as known benefits of increasing turfgrass wear and reducing drought stress. 

Benefits of Onset 10GR Herbicide 

  • Granular formulation – convenient, easy to apply and spread, reduced drift and concerns around off target movement. 
  • Broad spectrum pre-emergent grass weed control.
  • One of the few pre-emergent herbicides registered for the control of Parramatta Grass, Rats Tail Fescue, African Love Grass.
  • Strong activity on Crowsfoot, Crabgrass and Summergrass.
  • Non–scheduled chemistry: safer to handle and use in public spaces.
  • Excellent residual performance – up to 6 months.
  • Delivers available silicon to the soil. Improves stress management, nutrient uptake, cell wall strength and turfgrass wear.
  • The granule also contains trace elements in Iron, Copper, Zinc and Molybdenum as well as beneficial nutrients in 1.4% Calcium and 1.1% Magnesium. 

Application should be prior to germination of the weeds.
Application Rate: 2kg/100sqm

5kg bucket of Onset 10GR will cover 250sqm.
20kg bag of Onset 10GR will cover 1000sqm. 

Onset 10GR is best applied by a fertiliser spreader to ensure even application and irrigated thoroughly once applied.

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